Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal reached a significant milestone today by inaugurating 59 Model Playschools under the ‘Playway Schools’ initiative, marking a historic moment for early childhood care and education in the state. The inauguration took place at a program held at the Indradhanush Auditorium in Sector-5, Panchkula.

This event was part of the Chief Minister’s broader initiative, where he inaugurated and laid the foundation stone for various development projects worth Rs 4223 crore across all districts of the state through video conferencing.

The unveiling of these 59 schools not only celebrates the innovative ‘Playway Schools’ initiative but also reflects the government’s commitment to establishing a transformative education ecosystem that empowers every child to realize their full potential.

In a momentous ceremony attended by notable figures such as Haryana Vidhan Sabha Speaker Gian Chand Gupta, Mayor Kulbhushan Goyal, Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister V. Umashankar, Principal Secretary Transport and Sports Department Navdeep Singh Virk, State Chief Information Commissioner Vijai Vardhan, and Political Advisor to the Chief Minister B.B Bharti, the Chief Minister emphasized the government’s dedication to providing accessible, inclusive, and high-quality education from the earliest stages of a child’s life.

The ‘Playway Schools’ initiative, as announced by the Chief Minister, involved upgrading 4,000 Anganwadi Centers into ‘Playway Schools.’ These were equipped with enhanced learning materials, pre-school education kits, and training for Anganwadi Workers to enhance their pedagogical functions.

The initiative further upgraded and renovated 59 Playschools into Model Playschools, incorporating state-of-the-art facilities such as BaLA (Building as Learning Aids) features in classrooms, modular kitchens, child-friendly toilets, functional metered electricity, and clean drinking water supply.

The project, with an overall expenditure of Rs 1.58 Crores, was executed through the support of village-level Sarpanches and CSR partnerships.

At the core of ‘Playway Schools’ is a transformative approach that recognizes the critical importance of early childhood development. With a commitment to nurturing curiosity, creativity, and potential, the initiative blends play-based learning methodologies with modern pedagogical practices.

Catering to children aged 3 to 5 years, following the vision set by the National Education Policy 2020 and the National Curriculum Framework – Foundational Stage 2022, the ‘Playway Schools’ initiative embodies a holistic approach. It addresses cognitive development, social-emotional learning, physical well-being, and creative expression.