Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar took a digital initiative on Thursday, distributing Rs 38 lakh in financial aid to 11 families who tragically lost their loved ones due to the consumption of counterfeit liquor. Expressing deep sorrow, Khattar announced the disbursement in adherence to the age-specific provisions of the DAYALU Yojana. He highlighted the government’s swift response to the incident by registering six FIRs, underscoring their commitment to ensuring justice for the affected families.
Addressing the media in a press conference, Khattar underscored the government’s dedication to promptly addressing the issue and ensuring justice for the affected family members. He stated that stringent measures have been implemented to combat illegal activities related to the production and distribution of spurious liquor. As a result, 35 individuals have been arrested, fines totaling Rs 2.51 crores have been imposed, and six FIRs have been registered, with L-13 licenses being revoked.
Khattar provided specific details on the enforcement actions, revealing that three FIRs were filed in Yamunanagar, leading to the arrest of 19 individuals, while three FIRs in Ambala resulted in the apprehension of 16 people. Four license holders, namely Mangeram, Amarnath, Sushil Kumar, and Gaurav Kamboj, were declared defaulters, and a total of 12 vending zones, including six urban and six rural, faced cancellation. Additionally, 41 sub-vend licenses were revoked.
The Chief Minister urged the public to exercise caution and refrain from purchasing products from such vendors, emphasizing the government’s commitment to eradicating illegal practices associated with spurious liquor, thus ensuring the safety of the citizens.
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