On Wednesday, Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma visited the Vikasit Bharat Sankalp Yatra camp in Ajmer. There, he criticised the previous Congress government. The Chief Minister stated that during the previous government, 17 papers were leaked, causing distress among the youth. Keeping this in mind, the BJP government has formed a special investigation team.
The Chief Minister said, “Those who leaked papers and played with the future of the youth will now face consequences. The BJP government has started working on this, and the formation of a special investigation team is part of this effort.”
Chief Minister Bhajan Lal also mentioned that no crime in Rajasthan will be tolerated, and the Rajasthan Police is taking continuous action against individuals involved in various crimes.
He criticised the Congress for changing the name of the Annapurna Yojana to the Indira Rasoi Yojana, which provides wholesome meals for only 8 rupees. He alleged, “There has been a scam worth crores of rupees in this scheme, and the BJP government is conducting an investigation. In our Annapurna Yojana, needy people will get a nutritious meal with khichdi, bajra and maize roti, along with pickles.”
Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma visited Pushkar during a one-day tour on Wednesday. He engaged in a dialogue with beneficiaries at the Vikasit Bharat Sankalp Yatra camp. A meeting was organised at the Government School in Ganaheda, Pushkar, where an exhibition showcasing various developmental schemes of the central government was also displayed. The Chief Minister inspected the exhibition and distributed gas cylinders and stoves to beneficiaries of the Ujjwala Gas Scheme.
During his address, the Chief Minister emphasised the importance of taking a dip in the Pushkar Tirth Sarovar for a complete religious journey. He stressed that this land belongs to farmers, and the safety of farmers is the first commitment of the BJP government. The concerns of poor farmers sitting in the village of Dhani are addressed by the BJP government. The Chief Minister further explained, “Farmers faced difficulties with electricity during the previous government. Due to the lack of timely electricity, farmers could not irrigate their crops.
If the farmers do not get water and electricity on time, they will face problems. We understood this need, and now, officials of the electricity and irrigation departments have been directed to provide farmers with sufficient electricity and water.”
He said, “The purpose of the Vikasit Bharat Sankalp Yatra is to ensure that the benefits of all government schemes of Prime Minister Narendra Modi reach the common people sitting in the last row. Therefore, the Vikasit Sankalp Yatra is being organised. The eligible person should benefit from the plan, and the BJP government has done a commendable job of providing a gas cylinder for Rs 450 in the Ujjwala Gas Scheme to all eligible women, including the residents of Ajmer.”
At the main gate of the event venue, Ajay Rawat, a sand artist from Pushkar, created a sand art of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma, and the BJP election symbol, the lotus flower. Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma praised and congratulated Sand Artist Ajay Sharma for his sand art.
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