On Monday, veteran actor Anupam Kher took to his official Instagram handle and shared a million-dollar picture with Salman Khan, Aamir Khan, Dharmendra, and Sunny Deol from Karan Deol’s wedding reception in Mumbai. The first picture featured Anupam Kher, Aamir Khan, and Sunny Deol, while the second picture featured the ‘class of 90s’.
Anupam Kher, Salman Khan, Dharmendra and Sunny Deol sported black outfits while Aamir Khan was seen arriving his casual outfit. In the caption of his post, Anupam wrote, “Class of 90s. Actors from a pre mobile phones and vanity vans era. When we shared stories! When we shared make up rooms. When we changed costumes in open, behind trees and umbrellas and laughed….. Still going strong!! Still reinventing! Still matter!! It was so nice to meet #DharamJi #Sunny #Aamir #Salman at Karan and Drisha Deols wedding. Jai Ho! First pic clicked by @iambobbydeol!”
Have a look
Meanwhile, celebrity couple Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh were seen having the best time at Karan Deol and Drisha’s wedding reception. The gorgeous couple set the dance floor on fire with their killer performance. In one of the viral videos, the actor was seen planting a kiss on Deepika’s cheek.
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