Two of Chris Hemsworth’s three children will appear in the next “Thor: Love & Thunder” film, the Hollywood actor has announced. According to People magazine, Hemsworth said in a media interview that two of his children would appear in the most recent Marvel Cinematic Universe film. The “Extraction” actor and wife Elsa Pataky are parents to 10-year-old India, 2-year-old twins Sasha and Tristan, and 2-year-old twins Sasha and Tristan. The actor said that one of his twin boys and daughter India will appear in the movie in cameo roles. The actor said that his daughter will portray “the figure of Love” and that his son would portray Hemsworth’s character, Thor’s younger version. “It’s really cool. They really wanted to be in it,”Hemsworth stated.
The actor also noted that Christian Bale and Natalie Portman’s kids, would also feature in ‘Thor: Love & Thunder’, reported People magazine. There is also a special appearance of the director Taika Waititi’s children as well. Recalling the cast, Hemsworth confessed that it was a ‘fun family experience’ and the kids had a ‘great time’. “It felt like a one-off fun family experience. I don’t want them to now go and be child stars and actors. It was just a special experience we all had. They loved it, they had a great time,” revealed the actor.
On July 7 of this year, “Thor: Love and Thunder” is scheduled for release. Fans will see not just one, but two Thors in the movie, as Natalie Portman will play the role of the powerful Thor alongside Hemsworth for the first time. Christian Bale, Tessa Thompson, and Chris Pratt are among the actors who play significant parts in the movie.
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