On Wednesday, the 93rd anniversary of the iconic vocalist Lata Mangeshkar’s birth, Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid a special homage to her. Yogi Adityanath, the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, today officially opened the crossroads in Ayodhya that bears the late playback singer’s name. Inauguration of the “Lata Mangeshkar Chowk” took place in the presence of G Kishan Reddy, Union Minister of Tourism.
At the crossing, a massive sculpture of a veena measuring 40 feet long and 12 feet high with a depiction of Goddess Saraswati inscribed on it was placed. The prime minister virtually addressed the ceremony for the installation of the Maa Saraswati veena, stating that it will serve as a symbol of musical harmony.
“The 92 white lotus of marble in the chowk complex depict Lata Ji’s lifespan,” said PM Modi. He added that Ram is about to come to the grand temple of Ayodhya and before that, the name of Lata didi, who has honoured the name of Ram among crores of people, has been established with the city of Ayodhya forever.
PM Modi said, “I have so many memories associated with Lata didi, so many emotional and affectionate memories.” The familiar sweetness of her voice mesmerized me every time he spoke to her, the prime minister stated.
PM Modi highlighted that the chowk in Ayodhya, named after the singer, will also serve as a place of inspiration for people associated with the world or arts and culture in the country. The place will indicate that apart from staying connected with the roots of India as well as moving towards modernity, it is also our duty to take India’s art and culture to every corner of the world, the prime minister further stated. Taking pride in the thousands of years old heritage of India, it is also our responsibility to pass on the culture of India to the new generation, he said.
Born on September 28, 1929, Lata Mangeshkar began her career in 1942 at the age of 13. In a career spanning seven decades, the melody queen recorded songs for over a thousand Hindi films. She recorded her songs in over 36 regional Indian and foreign languages. She is known as the ‘Queen of Melody’ and ‘India’s Nightingale’
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