The dispute between the Congress and Samajwadi Party (SP) escalated in the run-up to the Madhya Pradesh elections. Akhilesh Yadav criticised Congress’s behaviour, implying trust issues. Ajay Rai, from Congress, retorted accusing SP of assisting BJP, either openly or discreetly. Highlighting past bypoll outcomes, Rai emphasised SP’s need to back Congress to halt BJP. Kamal Nath, MP Congress chief, tersely brushed off allegations, saying, “chhodo Akhilesh Vakhilesh.” Amid the verbal sparring, Supriya Shrinate of Congress downplayed the disagreement, terming it a common occurrence in ticket distributions. The tension was heightened after BJP declared its initial list of 144 candidates for the state, with Yadav accusing Congress of deceit over seat-sharing promises.
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