Police officials have confirmed the demise of Anand, also known as Katkam Sudarshan, a senior politburo member of the banned Communist Party of India (Maoist). Anand, who was carrying a substantial cash reward of approximately Rs 1 crore, passed away due to health complications. According to a release issued by the outlawed organization circulating on a social media platform, the top Naxal leader suffered a heart attack and died in the Guerrilla zone of Dandkaranya in Chhattisgarh on May 31.
Additional District General of Police (naxal-operations) Vivekananda Sinha has verified the news of the politburo member’s demise. The officer also mentioned that Anand had a cash reward of about Rs 1 crore on his head. Further information regarding Anand’s background and involvement is currently being collected by the authorities.
According to the release issued by the outlawed organisation, the naxal leader was suffering from chronic bronchitis, high blood pressure as well as diabetes and he eventually died of a heart attack on May 31. In the last two years, the naxal leader was active as spokesperson of the Naxal’s central committee.
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