The Chandigarh Police have announced a reward of Rs 2 lakh for information leading to the arrest of two suspects involved in a recent blast in Sector 10. The explosion, which was suspected to be from a pressure-type device, occurred at a residential house on Wednesday evening, causing damage to windows and flower pots.
In a statement, the police urged anyone with information on the suspects to contact the Police Control Room at 0172-2749194, dial 112, or use the WhatsApp number 9465121000.
Sub Inspector Lakhwinder Singh reported that the investigation is ongoing, with a team from the Central Forensic Science Laboratory (CSFL) expected to return to the scene for further analysis. The investigation had to be paused due to darkness on the initial day. Singh also noted that a three-wheeler linked to the incident has been recovered, but the suspects remain at large. He assured that security measures are in place to protect the evidence.
Singh addressed questions about whether the blast could be related to the officer’s family who previously lived at the house, stating that this angle will be explored as part of the investigation.
Earlier, police and forensic teams visited the site to collect evidence. One suspect has already been arrested in connection with the blast. According to the SSP, the complainant reported seeing two individuals near the residence who allegedly threw a grenade-like object. The search for these suspects is underway.
Further details are expected as the investigation progresses.
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