Several Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders in Telangana state were placed on house arrest on Friday morning by the Telangana Police in various locations in the state. The state BJP unit gave a call for a protest called ‘Chalo Assembly’ on September 11 demanding that September 17 be declared as Telangana Liberation Day.
BJP cadres from various districts planned to come to Hyderabad for ‘Chalo assembly’ protests but the police stopped them midway. All the roads leading to the assembly complex were blocked by the police and the commuters were diverted to other roads.
BJP Telangana President Bandi Sanjay said, “We could have successfully seized the assembly today. This is the government of Nizams, that’s why it’s not celebrating the Telangana Emancipation Day. Because of Sardar Vallabhabai Patel, Telangana was given freedom from the Nizam Nawabs and became part of India. CM KCR is the eighth Nizam Nawab. He is going to be confined to his farmhouse soon. The police lathis cannot control us.”
BJP state secretary Premendhar Reddy said, “The cause was successfully highlighted by the BJP. We strongly condemn the arrests of party state president Bandi Sanjay and others. We are not afraid of these arrests and restrictions. “
The leaders who were taken into police custody were sent to Goshamahal Police station in the old City of Hyderabad. At Gunpark opposite the Assembly, some Mahila Morcha activists protested. Police had to use a lot of force to stop Police crackdown on ‘Chalo Assembly’ protestors them.
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