Chinese smartphone brand Poco on Tuesday launched a new budget smartphone Poco C3 in the India market. Poco C3 will be available for purchase during the Flipkart ‘Big Billion Days’ sale starting October 16 for the introductory pricing of Rs 7,499 and Rs 8,999 for the 3GB-32GB and 4GB-64GB variants, respectively. Additionally, buyers will be able to avail a 10 per cent instant discount on SBI credit card, debit card and EMI transactions, the company said in a statement. The smartphone features a 6.53-inch HD+ display, with a resolution of 1600 ×720 and an aspect ratio of 20:9. The display reading mode certified by TUV Rheinland for reduced stress on the eyes when using the phone for long durations. The smartphone is powered by the MediaTek Helio G35 8-core processor, with Cortex-A53 cores clocked up to 2.3GHz. The device comes with an AI triple camera setup — 13MP primary sensor, 2MP macro sensor and a 2MP depth sensor. The phone houses a 5000mAh high-capacity battery.
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