Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, in her seventh consecutive budget speech, presented the Union Budget 2024-25 on Tuesday in the Lok Sabha. She announced a substantial allocation of more than ₹3 lakh crore for schemes benefiting women and girls, underscoring the government’s commitment to promoting women-led development.
Sitharaman emphasized that the significant budgetary allocation is a clear signal of the government’s dedication to enhancing the role of women in economic development. “For promoting women-led development, the Budget carries an allocation of more than ₹3 lakh crore for schemes benefitting women and girls,” she stated.
In a bid to further support women in the workforce, the government plans to collaborate with industry partners to establish working women’s hostels and creche facilities. This initiative aims to create a supportive environment that encourages women’s participation in professional activities and fosters their career growth.
Additionally, this industry-government partnership will launch women-specific skilling programs and promote market access for women-led Self-Help Group (SHG) enterprises, enhancing their economic opportunities.
The budget also reflects the government’s commitment to social justice. Sitharaman announced a saturation approach to cover all eligible individuals through various schemes, focusing on health and education. The objective is to achieve inclusive human resource development, a core priority of the Union Budget 2024-25.
“Our government is committed to all-round, all-pervasive, and all-inclusive development of people, particularly farmers, youth, women, and the poor,” Sitharaman remarked. She highlighted the increased implementation of schemes supporting economic activities by craftsmen, artisans, SHGs, SC/ST and women entrepreneurs, and street vendors, including PM Vishwakarma, PM SVAnidhi, NRLM, and Stand-Up India.
Under urban development, the government has encouraged the moderation of high stamp duty by all states for urban-related development. Additionally, it has called for further reduction of duties for properties purchased by women, facilitating easier property ownership and investment for women.
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