The Nagpur bench of Bombay High Court on Friday acquitted the alleged Naxal ideologue and former Delhi University’s Professor GN Saibaba and his five accomplices of the charges of having links with banned extremist outfits. In 2017, Saibaba was awarded life imprisonment along with five others for alleged links with Naxals under the Unlawful Prevention of Atrocities Act (UAPA), by a court in Maharashtra. The Nagpur Bench of Bombay High Court on July 28, 2020 rejected the bail application of the former Delhi University Professor on medical grounds.
On May 22, 2020, the Bombay High Court dismissed Saibaba’s parole application, which sought to be released on the grounds of his ill health and to visit his mother, who was suffering from cancer in Hyderabad and passed away in August that same year.
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