NEW DELHI: Bollywood actor Bobby Deol on Wednesday wished his son Aryaman Deol on his twentieth birthday by sharing adorable pictures with him on social media. The ‘Race 3’ actor took to his Instagram handle and shared rare pictures with his son. In the pictures, Aryaman can be seen hugging his father, as the two pose for the camera. In the caption, Bobby wrote, “Happy birthday my angel,” followed by a heart emoji.
In the comments section of the post, Chunky Panday wrote, “Happy Happy birthday dear Aryaman.” Darshan Kumar wrote, “Happy Birthday Aryaman Wish you the World.” Deol’s Race 3 co-star Saqib Saleem also commented with kissing face emojis. On Tuesday, Bobby had celebrated three years of his film ‘Race 3’. Sharing an old video from the sets just before his shot, he wrote, “This is where it all began again! The journey has been incredible, especially 2020! Cannot wait to show you all everything coming up next.”
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