In Rajasthan, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) secured a majority in the December 3 results. However, despite four days passing since attaining the majority, the BJP has not officially declared the Chief Minister for the state. Various names are circulating in political circles and media channels as potential candidates, including Vasundhara Raje, Om Mathur, Diya Kumari, Baba Balaknath, and Gajendra Singh Shekhawat. Amidst this speculation, a fervent supporter has gone to the extent of writing a letter to PM Modi in blood, suggesting Meena for the coveted position of Chief Minister.
A viral letter from a supporter of MLA Meena on social media is making rounds. In this letter, Pratap Singh Kodayai, a BJP worker from Karauli district, wrote a letter to PM Modi in his blood, appealing to make Meena the CM of Rajasthan.
The BJP worker wrote this letter to PM Modi on Tuesday, presenting arguments that Kirori Lal Meena raised his voice against the Congress government in Rajasthan for five years. He mentioned Meena’s protests, road sleep-ins under the open sky, and his fight for justice on various occasions. The supporter believes that a leader like Kirori Lal Meena, who fought against the Congress government on issues such as paper leaks, justice for martyrs, and corruption, deserves to be the CM of Rajasthan.
Since the formation of the Congress government in 2018 until the recent elections, Kirori Lal Meena, known for his street-level struggles, has been a prominent figure in discussions.
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