BJP’s National Secretary, Dr Alka Gurjar, has said that the Central government has provided significant relief to people living below the poverty line through various schemes for the welfare of the poor. She said, “CM Gehlot, Ashok Gehlot, who has turned from Chief Minister to Announcement Minister, is taking credit for Centre’s schemes and is running away from responsibilities. The resolution to provide gas cylinders to BPL families at Rs 500 is in progress. However, the Gehlot government is not coming forward to clarify the confusion among the people. The public is well aware of the Congress’s conspiracy to take full credit for the scheme by providing only a subsidy of Rs 100, even though 200 rupees of subsidy is announced on gas cylinders.”
She added that if the CM is honest with the people, he should conduct an inspection of the ration kits of the Annapurna scheme that are neither suitable for human use nor animal use. She said that all the announcements made by the state government are just appearing to be their election agenda.
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