A 15-year-old boy arrested for a petty theft died in a police station on Thursday night in West Bengal’s Birbhum district. In its report the police said that the boy went to the toilet and committed suicide. The BJP, which claimed the boy and his family were party supporters, said he had been tortured to death in police custody and blocked National Highway 14 for 3 hours on Friday at Mallarpur. Trinamool’s Birbhum MLA Anubrata Mondal said the boy’s father was a TMC supporter and the BJP was lying.
The political atmosphere in the India Alliance has been under the scanner since long now.…
UAE confirmed the rollover of two $1 billion deposits with Pakistan, strengthening its financial position…
The BJP is leaving no stone unturned in escalating the remarks made by the Leader…
Trump's potential return has UN agencies anxious about swift funding cuts and renewed isolation, threatening…
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday criticised RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat’s recent statement…
President Yoon's refusal to cooperate with questioning follows his arrest amid a probe into his…