Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin has come to the defense of his son, Udhayanidhi Stalin, who recently faced controversy over his remarks about the discriminatory principles associated with Sanatan Dharma. In a statement issued on Thursday, CM Stalin clarified that Udhayanidhi’s comments were not intended to offend any religious beliefs but rather aimed at highlighting issues of discrimination against scheduled castes, tribals, and women.
Stalin accused pro-BJP forces of creating a “false narrative” against Udhayanidhi, who serves as the Minister for Sports and Youth Affairs in the Tamil Nadu government. He asserted that the intention behind his son’s comments was to shed light on oppressive principles within Sanatan Dharma, emphasizing that there was no call for the “genocide” of people with Sanatan thoughts, as alleged by some.
“He (Udhayanidhi) expressed his views on Sanatan principles that discriminate against scheduled castes, tribals, and women, with no intention to offend any religion or religious beliefs. Pro-BJP forces are unable to tolerate his stance against oppressive principles and have spread a false narrative, alleging that ‘Udhayanidhi called for the genocide of people with Sanatan thoughts,'” Stalin said in his statement.
Stalin went on to criticize the social media campaigns initiated by the BJP, which he claimed had widely circulated the falsehood that Udhayanidhi had advocated for the eradication of Sanatan Dharma. He clarified that his son never used the word “genocide” in either Tamil or English while making his remarks.
The controversy began when BJP IT department head Amit Malviya took to social media, claiming that Udhayanidhi’s statement, “Sanatana Dharma should be eradicated,” amounted to a call for the “genocide” of the 80 percent of the population that follows it.
This episode highlights the ongoing political tensions and polarization in Tamil Nadu, with the ruling DMK and the opposition BJP clashing over differing interpretations of Udhayanidhi’s comments. As the controversy rages on, it remains to be seen how it will impact the political landscape in the state
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