The BJP will release its manifesto on November 16. Speaking to the media during his visit to Kota on Wednesday, Union Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal stated that the BJP’s manifesto has been prepared based on suggestions from around one crore people. Meghwal, who came to Kota for campaigning and meetings in support of party candidates in the Sangod and Ladpura assembly constituencies, said that impressive campaigning is underway for the BJP everywhere, and the surveys indicate a positive trend for the party. Regarding the Hadoti region, he mentioned that the BJP is in a better position here as well. Big leaders are planning visits to Rajasthan, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah, and Defense Minister Rajnath Singh. District President Rambabu Soni and former MP Ijyaraj Singh, along with other officials, welcomed the Union Minister at the airport.
Bhawani Singh Rajavat, the former MLA who is contesting as an independent candidate from the Ladpura assembly constituency, has been suspended from the primary membership of the BJP. Bhawani Singh Rajavat has been a continuous BJP MLA from Ladpura, but his ticket was given to Kalpana Devi the last time. This time, Rajavat sought a ticket again, but Kalpana Devi was once again made the candidate. In opposition to this, Bhawani Singh Rajavat is contesting from the Ladpura constituency.
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