For his inflammatory comments on President Droupadi Murmu on Saturday, West Bengal minister Akhil Giri drew a storm of condemnation, notably from the state’s ruling Trinamool Congress (TMC). Despite Giri’s apology for his remarks, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) persisted in pressuring Mamata Banerjee, the chief minister of West Bengal, to remove him from her cabinet by filing a complaint with the National Commission of Women.

“Giri’s comments on the President have insulted India at an international level,” BJP leader Arjun Munda said

“The insult of the President is not only shameful but also unfortunate. But interestingly, the TMC government is also led by a woman and their party is insulting a woman President who also happens to be a tribal leader.” Munda said.

“He (Suvendu Adhikari) said that I am not good-looking. How beautiful is he? We don’t judge anyone by their appearance. We respect the office of the President (of India). But how does our President look?” Giri said.

“Our party strongly condemns the unfortunate remarks made by MLA @AkhilGiriAITC and clarifies that we do not condone such statements. In the era of women’s empowerment, such misogyny is unacceptable,” Gokhale said in a post on Twitter. Later, the TMC handle made the same point.

And Giri expressed regret. “Just like I have respect for the country’s constitution, I also respect the President of India, who is the Head of the State. I also work as per the constitution of the country. But for the last few days, the kind of remarks made by BJP leader Suvendu Adhikari against me and my looks has left me humiliated and fuming. I am an old man, and by mistake, I have made a remark out of emotional outbursts of my anger. I regret making such a remark,” he said.