After facing defeat in the elections, BJP candidate and former MLA Shankarlal Sharma has penned a letter to the top party leadership, assigning blame to certain officials within the Dausa BJP for his loss. In the letter addressed to BJP Central Disciplinary Committee Chairman Avinash Rai Khanna and State Disciplinary Committee Chairman Onkar Singh Lakhawat, Sharma demanded immediate disciplinary action against those he deemed responsible for his defeat.
Shankarlal Sharma claimed in the letter that some party officials in Dausa worked as agents for the Congress during the elections, ultimately leading to the BJP’s loss in the region. He detailed his efforts to engage with local party leaders and workers after securing the party’s ticket, emphasizing his appeal for unity and victory.
The former candidate accused Dausa Municipal Corporation’s former chairman Suresh Ghoshi, Pushpa Ghoshi, former district vice-president Lokesh Sharma, and former councillor Rishabh Sharma of conducting minimal publicity despite repeated requests.
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