Darjeeling: Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Tuesday said if BJP forms government in West Bengal, it will provide the status of Scheduled Tribe (ST) to 11 castes of the Gorkha community. Shah said, “11 leftover Gorkha sub-castes want ST status. The matter has been pending for years. The BJP government wanted to resolve this, but Mamata Ji did not attend any meeting on this issue. Change Mamata Didi and bring a BJP Chief Minister, the party will provide the status of ST to 11 castes of the Gorkha community.”
“Gorkha and Nepali brothers – if somebody tries to scare you, do not be afraid. BJP can fight anyone to protect the honour of Gorkhas and Nepalis. Gorkhas have a very rich history. Whenever the names of patriot communities are taken, the name of Gorkhas is taken first of all proudly…The trio of Congress-Communists-TMC did injustice to Gorkhas across the country, for years,” said the Union Home Minister.
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