The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has taken a significant step in gearing up for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections by announcing the appointment of coordinators, in-charges, and assistant in-charges for the state’s Lok Sabha constituencies. The decision was made under the guidance of state president C.P. Joshi. The role of Lok Sabha in-charge for Ajmer has been entrusted to Deputy Chief Minister Diya Kumari, while Premchand Baira will serve as the in-charge for Kota.
For the Shriganganagar-Hanumangarh constituency, Balveer Bishnoi will take on the role of coordinator, Minister Sumit Godara as the in-charge, and Akhilesh Pratap Singh as the Lok Sabha assistant in-charge. Similarly, in Bikaner, Satyaprakash Aacharya has been appointed as the coordinator, Minister Gajendra Singh Khinvsar as the in-charge, and Ashok Nagpal as the assistant in-charge. In Churu, Om Saraswat will serve as the coordinator, Minister Avinash Gehlot as the in-charge, and Ramgopal Suthar as the assistant in-charge.
For the Sikar constituency, Prabhu Singh Gogawas has been appointed as the coordinator, Minister Gautam Dam as the in-charge, and Balaran Doon as the assistant in-charge. In Jhunjhunu, Dashrath Singh Shekhawat will be the coordinator, MLA Mahant Balaknath as the in-charge, and Jitendra Sharma as the assistant in-charge.
In Jaipur Rural, SS Agarwal has been named the coordinator, Minister Jogaram Patel is the in-charge, and Satish Chandel is the assistant in-charge. Similar appointments have been made for all the other Lok Sabha constituencies in the state.
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