A state-level meeting of the BJP was held in the Vidhan Sabha constituency. In this meeting, Vidhan Sabha MLA Sunil Sharma from Sahibabad, Uttar Pradesh, District President Rishi Bansal, and Coordinator Daulat Singh Faujdar, along with local BJP workers, directly broadcasted Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “Mann Ki Baat” and organized a massive bike rally from Uchchain Bazaar as part of the “My Family – BJP Family” campaign.
This meeting was coordinated by local youth BJP leader Daulat Singh Faujdar, and Nadbai region’s BJP officials and workers attended. During the meeting, discussions and deliberations were held about the upcoming Vidhan Sabha elections, and different responsibilities were assigned to all.
During the meeting, the locals in Nadbai had the opportunity to listen to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “Mann Ki Baat” directly. For this purpose, a large LED screen was set up in the area by Daulat Singh Faujdar. Following this, as part of the “My Family – BJP Family” campaign, a massive bike rally was organized, starting from Uchchain Bazaar. People from Uchchain town and surrounding areas participated in large numbers. The bike rally served as a platform to promote the BJP’s policies and initiatives of the central government over the past nine years to the people in the region.
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