Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel of Chhattisgarh claimed on Wednesday that there is a contradiction between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Mohan Bhagwat’s statements, a day after the chief of the Rashtriya Samita Samita asked if radicals from across the border were among those who committed violence in Manipur. While the RSS chief was drawing attention to the involvement of outside forces, Baghel stated that the BJP government maintains that borders are secure under its control.
“On one hand, there is our Vishwaguru who says that Indian borders are safe. On the other hand, our Mohan Bhagwat says that external forces are involved in it. There are contradictions in the words of Modi ji and Bhagwat,” Baghel told reporters.
Mohan Bhagwat, while addressing the annual Dussehra rally in Nagpur on Tuesday, hinted at the role of external elements behind the unrest in Manipur.
“If we look at the current situation of Manipur, this fact becomes obvious. How did this mutual discord and hatred suddenly erupt in Manipur, which had been peaceful for almost a decade? Were there extremists from across the border also among those who committed violence? Why, and by whom, was an attempt made to give a communal tinge to this mutual conflict between the Manipuri Meitei and Kuki communities, who were apprehensive about the future of their existence?” Bhagwat asked.
The head of the RSS questioned why, despite the state government’s desire to uphold the peace that had ruled for the previous nine years, the violence had broken out and persisted.
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