MUMBAI: By sharing pictures from the first day on sets in Dehradun, Bhumi Pednekar and Rajkummar Rao kick-started the shooting for their upcoming film ‘Badhaai Do’. The ‘Durgamati’ actress hopped on to Instagram to share all smiles picture with the clap with her co-star Rao. Amid the picturesque view of the hilly region, sporting a blue sweater, the ‘Ludo’ actor Rao is seen sporting a heavy moustache, and no beard look. Bhumi is also seen donning winter ensemble, and light makeup look. The director, Harshvardhan Kulkarni is also seen posing along with the duo, as they initiate shooting for the project. Pednekar captioned the post as, “Shuru ho gai hai hamari kahani, Jahan hai dono Raja aur Rani, Shardul Aur Sumi hai ekdam pyaare. Yeh dono hai situation ke maare.” “Milenge hum aapse jald, Ho jayega tab sab clear aur tab hum kahengey, #BadhaaiDo#2021 @rajkummar_rao @jungleepictures #HarshwardhanKulkarni @amritapndy @sumadhikary #akshatghildial,” she added.
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