The Bengaluru civic body’s latest directive, asking shops to ensure their signboards have at least 60 per cent Kannada, has brought the Hindi vs Kannada debate in Karnataka back under the spotlight. Tushar Giri Nath, chief commissioner of Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike, has said commercial stores in the civic body’s jurisdiction will face legal action if they fail to follow the signboard order.
The official was addressing a meeting with Karnataka Rakshana Vedike (KRV), an organisation that has been pushing the Kannada language issue. “There are 1400 km of arterial and sub-arterial roads in the city, and all the commercial shops on these roads will be surveyed zone wise. After the survey, a notice will be given to the shops that do not use 60 per cent Kannada language. After issuing the notice, they will be given time till February 28 to implement Kannada language nameplates and submit compliance to the respective zone commissioners,” Mr Nath said.
“Legal action will be taken against shops that do not install Kannada nameplates by February 28. Accordingly, shopfronts that do not use Kannada language on nameplates will be suspended as per the law and then their licence will be cancelled,” he added.
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