Bandi Sanjay, Telangana BJP president and MP, was released from Karimnagar jail on Friday after being granted bail in the SSC paper leak case. Sanjay was apprehended by police from his Karimnagar home late Wednesday night. On Thursday, a magistrate court granted him bail in the paper leak case. “The court granted our request, and Bandi Sanjay was granted bail on sureties worth Rs 20,000.” “He will be released from the Karimnagar jail upon production of the release order,” Bandi Sanjay’s lawyer Shyam Sunder Reddy said on Thursday.
“However, the court ordered that he not leave India without permission,” the lawyer added.
Bandi Sanjay and three others were placed in judicial custody in the SSC paper leak case on Wednesday.
“Bandi Sanjay and three others have been placed in judicial custody until April 19 and will be transferred to Karimnagar jail,” advocate Karuna Sagar, another lawyer of the BJP state chief, had said. For violating the SC guidelines, we will file contempt proceedings against the investigating officer. “We intend to challenge the order in High Court tomorrow,”the lawyer said.
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