In a dramatic turn of events in the Badlapur sexual assault case, Akshay Shinde, the prime accused, was shot in an exchange of gunfire with police while being transported for further investigation. Later he succumbed to his injuries in Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Hospital, Kalwa.
Shinde, who was under investigation for allegedly sexually assaulting two young girls at a school, had a warrant issued against him after his ex-wife also lodged a complaint of sexual assault.
Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis confirmed that during the transit, Shinde managed to seize a police officer’s firearm and fired shots both at the officers and into the air. In response, police opened fire in self-defense. The incident occurred while Shinde was being taken from Taloja Jail for further questioning. He was critically injured in the shootout and rushed to a hospital, where initial reports suggested he might have died, though doctors had yet to officially confirm his death at the time of the statement.
Offcials have confirmed Shinde succumbed to his injuries after retaliatory firing by police. He was admitted to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Hospital, Kalwa.
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Shinde’s involvement in the sexual assault of two minors, aged four and five, in a school toilet had ignited widespread public outrage, with protests erupting in Badlapur. The incident led the Maharashtra government to set up a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to ensure a thorough probe, especially after allegations surfaced that the school authorities had failed to report the crime immediately, violating the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act.
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The case remains under intense scrutiny as the public demands justice for the victims, and Shinde’s death further complicates the legal proceedings. The fast-paced developments have added urgency to the investigation, with the Maharashtra government assuring a fast-track trial to address the growing concerns.
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