Ayushmann Khurrana on Thursday shared a snapshot for the outdoor location of his upcoming romantic drama, ‘Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui’, on social media. Ayushmann is currently shooting for the Abhishek Kapoor directorial in North India. In the picture the actor shared on Instagram Story, he is seen sitting on a red plastic chair and reading his lines, in a blue track suit and sports shoes. What catches your attention is his hairdo. The actor wears his hair close-cropped on the sides and at the back of his head, while on top of the head his hair has been tied in a tiny ponytail. He completes his get-up with a designer stubble. Seated on the banks of a water body, Ayushmann is seen enjoying his cuppa. “Going through the dialogue sheet #chandigarhkareaashiqui,” he wrote on the picture. Ayushmann plays an athlete in the film that also stars Vaani Kapoor.
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