With barely 36 more hours left for the high-voltage Bhabanipur bypoll, West Bengal is counting the hours. While Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee is fighting to retain her seat as the administrative head, the BJP is preparing to give her a tough fight. Last-minute preparations are underway at the saffron camp. The details were discussed at a meeting of the selection committee headed by Arjun Singh on Tuesday. Rudranil Ghosh, a candidate from Bhabanipur in the last Assembly elections, also took part in the discussions.

The BJP has already formed a team based on each booth for the by-elections. Preparations have been made to sort out how those teams will work; the number of polling agents per booth is also being looked into. According to BJP sources, the saffron camp is arranging two polling agents in each booth in Bhabanipur. One will be inside, the other outside. The work of these agents has been explained in today’s meeting. The BJP has asked voters to cast their votes for the saffron camp. Efforts are being made by both the parties to get voters to cast their votes in the morning.

BJP leaders have also warned BJP workers not to fall into any trap during the polls. According to BJP leaders, there may be an attempt by the ruling party to create unrest on or before polling day. Arrangements have been made to ensure that news is regularly sent to the Electoral Office during the voting. The BJP is forming a coordination team with the Election Commission so that it can approach the Election Commission in any situation. The saffron camp is also forming a separate team to send live updates to Delhi, according to BJP sources.

Meanwhile, the Calcutta High Court on Tuesday refused to stay 30 September Bhabanipur bypoll. The court listed the matter for further hearing on 17 November.

The Bench headed by Chief Justice Rajesh Bindal and Justice Rajarshi Bharadwaj, said that the information furnished by the Chief Secretary of the State to the Election Commission was contrary to the facts as in the State restrictions on account of Covid-19 pandemic had been extended up to 30 September 2021, vide order dated 15 September 2021.

“We also do not record any finding on the issue that an Election Petition may or may not be maintainable after the result of the Assembly is declared. Any of the losing party shall have the right to avail of his/her appropriate remedy to challenge the election on the grounds available in law,” the court said.

“As the process of election was initiated with the issuance of press note dated September 04, 2021, and the polling has to be held on September 30, 2021, we do not find it appropriate to interfere with the decision of the Commission to hold a by-election to Bhabanipur Assembly Constituency at this stage.”

The court, however, said, “We record our strong reservation about the conduct of the Chief Secretary in writing a letter to the Election Commission stating that there would be ‘constitutional crisis’ in case by-election to the Bhabanipur Constituency is not held.”

The Bhabanipur bypoll will be held on 30 September and results will be declared by 3 October.

Arup Kali

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