MUMBAI: Bollywood star Arjun Kapoor and his sister Anshula Kapoor’s online celebrity fundraising platform, ‘Fankind, has been silently working all through the pandemic to help people across India. The brother-sister duo raised over Rs. 1 crore and helped over 30,000 people and their families in need. The ‘Ishaqzaade’ star said, “The pandemic has made us stare at an abyss of suffering. It has made us all step forward and help as many people as possible in our own, unique way. Anshula and I have tried to contribute through Fankind. I’m happy that we have helped about 30,000 people pan India and raised 1 crore to help aid those in crisis.” Arjun Kapoor added, “From monthly ration kits to hot meals, to cash in hand for migrant workers, to providing hygiene kits for COVID-19 prevention, the initiative has managed to touch the lives of many and hopefully has helped them in a small way to fight the virus and its far-reaching devastating impact.” The actor shared that he is really happy to have lent a helping hand during the crisis. Kapoor said, “I had invested my life’s savings for this venture and it makes me proud that the platform has supported those in serious need in these desperate and trying times.”
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