Actor-producer Arbaaz Khan has filed a defamation case against several social media users who alleged his involvement in the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput and his manager Disha Salian. Arbaaz filed the case in a civil court in the city, and the court has directed defendants Vibhor Anand and Sakshi Bhandari, and unknown defendants — namely John Doe/Ashok Kumar — to withdraw, recall or take down defamatory content published directly or indirectly by any of them. The defamatory posts stated that the Arbaaz was arrested and taken into unofficial custody by Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) as part of the investigation.
The ceasefire, brokered by the US, Egypt, and Qatar, ends 15 months of fighting, with…
The India-Bangladesh DG-level border talks will address border fencing, infiltration, and cross-border crimes, marking the…
Vanuatu, known for its 24.7-hour work week, holds elections tomorrow following a devastating earthquake. Recovery…
Talks for a Gaza ceasefire deal continue with Israel and Hamas, but Hamas' lack of…
After a prolonged wait, Congress finally inaugurated its long-awaited permanent headquarters on Wednesday, a significant…
Expressing concerns over the deteriorating health of farmer leader Jagjit Singh Dallewal, who has been…