Celebrity couple Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli were recently on a holiday in Barbados in the Caribbean. The cricketer has shared an adorable new picture with his wife-actress Anushka Sharma. In the picture, the gorgeous couple can be seen standing outside a cafe. The cricketer wore a black t-shirt and white shorts with floral print, and paired his outfit with white slippers and army green colored cap. On the other hand, Anushka was dressed in a denim blue long shirt with white sandals and sunglasses. Along with the picture, Virat wrote, “Must visit in Barbados @cafealamer18 some of the best food we ever ate.”
Take a look at Virat Kohli’s Instagram post
Reacting to his post, one of the fans wrote, “Capturing beautiful moments together.” Another wrote, “Most beautiful couple.” A third fan wrote, “KinG & QueeN.” Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actress will next be seen in the film Chakda Xpress. While the cricketers is preparing for important sports tournaments starting in the next few months.
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