A picture of Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli has gone viral on social media, and it shows them posing for a picture during their lunch date in Barbados. The picture was shared on the Instagram page of the cafe that they visited. In the viral picture, they are seated on chairs around a table. In the picture, the gorgeous actress is seen grinning widely, while the cricketer also flashed a smile.
The gorgeous actress looked cool in an oversized blue shirt dress teamed with white sandals. On the other hand, the cricketer is seen in a black tee paired with floral printed shorts. As soon as the picture surfaced online, Virushka fans rushed to the comment section and showered love on the post. One of the fans wrote, “King and queen.” Many dropped heart emojis.
Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actress will next be seen in the film Chakda Xpress. While the cricketers is preparing for important sports tournaments starting in the next few months.
Take a look at the viral picture below