On Saturday evening, an unidentified caller issued a warning to Mumbai Police about potential serial blasts in the city, as reported by officials on Sunday. According to an official, “Mumbai Police Control received a threat call on Saturday evening, around 6. The caller claimed that there would be serial blasts in Mumbai before hanging up.”
In response, the police initiated immediate actions, conducting searches at various key public locations and installations throughout the city. Fortunately, no explosive devices or suspicious items were discovered during these searches. The official mentioned that efforts are underway to ascertain the identity of the caller, with an ongoing investigation.
In a separate incident on December 27, the Jaipur airport authority received a threatening email indicating a plan to blow up the airport. Following this threat, Anurag Gupta, the terminal manager, lodged a complaint at the Jaipur Airport police station.
Subsequently, the airport authority alerted the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) and other security officials, leading to a comprehensive search operation at the airport.
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