The Ranbir Kapoor film Animal gained momentum on its third Saturday, earning Rs 13 crore at the box office, after seeing a decline in its earnings during the second week, according to Sacnilk. As a result, Animal has now earned Rs 498.14 crore domestically. Telugu occupancy was 23.81 percent and Hindi occupancy was 22.14 percent for the movie. Animal, which was directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, achieved a global gross of over Rs 800 crore. The film’s makers disclosed that it has brought in Rs 817.36 crore. T-series shared a post saying, “#Animal remains invictus at the Box Office.”

Rashmika Mandanna, Bobby Deol, Anil Kapoor, and Ranbir Kapoor played the key roles in the movie Animal Stars. The movie drew criticism for glorifying violence as well as positive reviews. Earlier, Animal’s record-breaking box office run led to discussions about the film in Parliament. The film was criticized by Congress Rajya Sabha MP Ranjeet Ranjan for its “justification of violence and misogyny.” “My daughter and several other kids were viewing the movie. At the half, they sobbed and exited the theater. She said to the Upper House of Parliament, “It is shameful that the film justifies violence and misogyny.”