Former Home Minister of Maharashtra Anil Deshmukh on Wednesday failed to appear before the Enforcement Directorate (ED) consecutively for the fifth time in the whole money laundering probe against him. It was with respect to the infamous ‘100 crores hafta wasooli’ gate that ED had issued fresh summons to former Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh and his son Hrishikesh on Tuesday to appear before it on Wednesday.
Skipping summons Anil Deshmukh submitted his response to the central agency via his lawyer Inderpal Singh who reached the agency’s Mumbai office around about 11.00 am. “We have again and again asked ED to wait and let Supreme Court hearing get over, and that’s what we submitted today! Our plea has been filed in the apex court and we have been allowed to take recourse. Our matter will be heard soon We have told ED to wait until the hearing happens and we have asked for time,” said Inderpal Singh while speaking to media outside the ED office.
The response submitted stated that as per the Supreme Court order of August 16, “It will be open to the petitioners to take recourse to appropriate remedies available under the Criminal Procedure Code including by way of quashing petition if so advised.” The letter submitted also mentions that Anil Deshmukh is a law-abiding citizen who shall never shirk away from rendering all necessary cooperation and assistance for any investigation.
“However, it is a fundamental right to avail constitutional remedies where there is a violation of the procedure or excesses are committed or malice in fact, as well as malice in law, is apparent in the face of the record,” it added.
This comes after on Monday, the SC refused to grant Deshmukh interim protection from arrest in the money laundering case and said that he can avail remedy under CrPC and approach the appropriate forum for relief. Deshmukh in past has skipped all the previous summons by the agency to present himself. The ED has alleged that Rs 4.7 crore collected from orchestra bars by dismissed cop Sachin Waze, allegedly on Deshmukh`s instructions, was transferred to the former minister`s Nagpur- based educational trust by his son.
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