MUMBAI: Ananya Panday will soon be seen alongside Deepika Padukone, Siddhant Chaturvedi and Dhairya Karwa for Shakun Batra’s ‘Gehraiyaan’. The actress has been making headlines ever since her film’s first look was released. After the launch of the trailer, fans have been going gaga over the film and are excited to watch Ananya in an all-new avatar on the silver screen. She recently took to her social media handles to share a glimpse of her character, ‘Tia’ from the film. In the caption, she wrote, “Love is not what you say. Love is what you do. Meet Tia – a piece of my heart #GehraiyaanOnPrime releasing Feb 11th.” In the clip, Ananya can be seen in a confused state of mind, expressing her love to Siddhant’s character, Zain and taking all the measures to maintain it. Ananya Panday termed Gehraiyaan as a big learning experience for her and she hopes that the film marks a new career trajectory for her.
Minutes after the clip went viral, Ananya’s BFFs Suhana Khan and Shanaya Kapoor cheered for her by dropping hearts in the comments section.
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