Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan had issued a clarification about the viral picture that shows him riding pillion on a stranger’s bike, without a helmet. In his latest blog post, Big B wrote, “The fact of the matter is that this is on location shoot on the street of Mumbai .. It is Sunday .. formal permission taken for shoot at a lane in Ballard Estate .. permission sought for Sunday because all offices are shut and there is no public or traffic ..One lane in the region BLOCKED off by Police permission for shoot .. the lane barely 30-40 meters .. The dress I wear is my costume for the film..”
Further, he added, “I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE THAT DOES THIS .. had seen Akshay Kumar do this to get to location on time .. wore helmet etc., on the bike of his Security person .. no one could recognise .. and it was rapid and efficient .. and it worked well..”
Concluding the blog post, Big B wrote, “Amitabh Bachchan wrote, “And sorry , people , for causing concern and giving any wrong concept of breaking traffic rules .. I did not .. love all of you.”
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