The ‘Kerala Story’ has been surrounded by various controversies, but it continues to soar high on the wings of success. On Wednesday, Adah Sharma took to her official Instagram handle and shared a post thanking fans for their support. The caption of her post read: “Thank you to all the crores of you who are going to watch our film, thank you for making it trend, thank you for loving my performance. This weekend the 12th #TheKeralaStory releases internationally in 37 countries (or more) #adahsharma.”
Take a look at Adah Sharma’s Instagram post
Earlier, Adah Sharma shared BTS from the shoot and penned a heartflet note, which read: “Standing ovation in theatres , the honourable PM mentioning our film #TheKeralaStory, critics and audience applauding my performance , HOUSEFULL messages from so many of you, bumper opening ! I could never have dreamed of so much. All your dreams for me are coming true #Greatful.”
Further, the note read: “And for the the few still calling #TheKeralaStory a propaganda film, saying these incidents do not exist even after watching testimonials of several Indian victims and their parents, my humble request, Google two words ISIS and Brides…maybe an account of white girls narrated to you might make you feel that our Indian movie is real.”
Have a look
For the unversed, in the film, the actress plays the role of Fatima Ba, a Hindu Malayali nurse, who is among the 32,000 women who went missing from Kerala and then recruited to the ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) after being forced to convert to Islam.
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