Alia Bhatt, who was in talks to play the role of Sita in Nitesh Tiwari’s upcoming movie of the Hindu epic Ramayana, has reportedly walked out of the project due to date-related issues. The actress, who is currently busy with multiple projects, could not accommodate the film in her schedule, which has been delayed due to the pandemic. Just a day ago, a source close to producers mentioned that Alia Bhatt was never approached for any role in the Ramayana. In fact, the film has not yet reached the stage where they offer Sita’s role to anyone; nobody has been approached yet.”
In July, Nitesh Tiwari was questioned about the cast of his film, to which he neither confirmed nor denied the participation of Ranbir, Alia, and Yash in the film. He simply mentioned that the official announcement would be made «very soon. Nitesh expressed, «My question is very simple. I am also a consumer of the content that I create, and if I’m not going to offend myself, I’m very confident that I might not end up offending anybody else. He made this statement in light of the controversy surrounding Om Raut’s recent adaptation of the Ramayana, Adipurush.
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