Today on Akansha Ranjan Kapoor’s birthday, the gorgeous Alia Bhatt took to her Instagram stories to share a picture with her. She also penned a note saying, “Till death do us part.. Happy birthday my life partner.”
Take a look at Alia Bhatt’s Instagram story
Athiya Shetty and Vaani Kapoor also joined Alia in wishing her birthday. Sharing a picture with her on her Instagram stories, the Hero actress wrote, “Happy birthday to my sunshine, @akansharanjankapoor. I love you.” Vaani too shared pictures with Akansha and wished her by saying, “Happy Birthday my special one @akansharanjankapoor !!!! For your birthday I wanted to give you something wonderful but then you already have me. Have the bestest my doll.”
Take a look at Athiya Shetty’s Instagram story
Take a look at Vaani Kapoor’s Instagram post
Stay tuned for more such stories.
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