MUMBAI: Just-married filmmaker Ali Abbas Zafar on Tuesday introduced his wife Alicia on social media, with a photo he shared on Instagram. Along with the picture that captures Zafar with Alicia, he wrote: “1,400 years ago Imam Ali said to Fatimah Al-Zahra’s, all my worries and sadness disappears when I look at your face, I feel the same Alicia Zafar. Mine for life.” In a separate post, the filmmaker shared a family photo with his wife and parents. “Welcome to the Family,” he wrote. Bollywood celebrities Disha Patani, Ananya Panday, Bhumi Pednekar, Sayani Gupta, Arjun Kapoor, Dia Mirza, Gauhar Khan and Tisca Chopra, besides other netizens, showered the couple with love and wishes. Zafar’s next is the nine-part series titled ‘Tandav’.
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