Shooting for the last schedule of the film ‘Atrangi Re’ featuring Akshay Kumar, Sara Ali Khan and Dhanush continued for the second day in local marketplaces, after a stint at the Taj Mahal on Monday. Akshay Kumar was seen dressed up as emperor Shah Jahan during the shoot. A big crowd followed the actors when they were shooting at the city’s Ghatia Market on Tuesday morning. Agra has emerged as a favoured shooting locale for a number of filmmakers in the past couple of years. In October 2019, ‘Rooh Afza’ starring Janhvi Kapoor was shot here.
Sources said that due to favourable conditions and open invitation from UP chief minister Yogi Adityanath, a number of films are likely to be shot in and around Agra. The Greater Noida film city project has also drawn positive reactions from the film fraternity.
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