On Friday, Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar took to his official Instagram handle and announced the fifth installment of Housefull. Sharing the news, the actor officially launched the poster and announced the release date of the film. Directed by Tarun Mansukhani, the film is ready to sparkle your Diwali in 2024. The caption of his post read: “Get ready for FIVE times the madness! Bringing to y’all #SajidNadiadwala’s #Housefull5 Directed by @tarun_mansukhani See you in cinemas on Diwali 2024!”
Reacting to the poster, one of the Instagram users wrote, “Comedy king is back.” Another commented, “Akshay Kumar sir Kartik Aryan go bhi dal do Housefull 5 Mai please it’s a request.”
For the unversed, the first Housefull film was released in 2010 and starred Jacqueline Fernandez, Arjun Rampal, and Chunky Panday too. The second installment hit theatres in 2012, and the rest two Housefull films were released in 2016 and 2019 respectively.
Meanwhile, the actor will soon also be seen in The Great Indian Rescue with Parineeti Chopra. Helmed by Tinu Suresh Desai, it will release in theatres worldwide on October 5. Apart from this, he also has OMG-Oh My God 2 where he would be seen sharing screen space with Pankaj Tripathi and Yami Gautam. The film is ready to have a theatrical release on August 11.
Stay tuned to The Daily Guardian for more such news.
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