Accused Shankar Mishra of being taken to IGI police station. He was arrested by Delhi police from Bengaluru last night. The man Shankar Mishra who allegedly peed at an elderly woman traveling in business class on an Air India flight on 26 November has been arrested on Saturday by Delhi Police from Bengaluru.
BCCI plans to overhaul the coaching staff, including a new batting coach, after India’s series…
The new Third Launch Pad (TLP) will be crucial in supporting the Next Generation Launch…
ChatGPT surprises a user with a thought-provoking analysis, revealing the true meaning behind "work smarter,…
On January 16, 2025, the Union Cabinet approved the 8th Pay Commission, marking a significant…
The unexpected and tragic deaths of babies at the neonatal unit of Countess of Chester…
Delhi will head to the polls on February 5, with the results set to be…