Megastar Amitabh Bachchan was spotted at Siddhivinayak Temple, offering his prayers to Lord Ganesha on Thursday. Big B was spotted headed into the temple premise barefoot and dressed in an all-white ensemble. Her visit to the temple comes just a day ahead of Abhishek Bachchan’s upcoming film release. In a viral video, Big B was seen surrounded by his security team as he offered his prayers to the diety residing at the temple.
Check out the viral video below
Big B recently watched Ghoomer and confessed that he was moved to tears by the performance and movie. On Tuesday, he wrote on his blog, “So yes saw Ghoomer back to back twice .. Sunday afternoon .. and then at night again .. and the verdict is beyond mention .. simply incredible.. eyes have been in the aqua flow from the very first frame .. and when the progeny is involved, they flow copiously .. and each reaction has some wonder in their thoughts and words and deeds .. each notices something that is so endearing and appealing.” Further, he added, “The emotions relate to yes the game of cricket and the tale of a girl and her ambition .. but it is really the feel of the depiction and its impress upon not just the game, but of the effect of family, of the mother, of what middle India stands for in our lives is the simplicity of the way the narration occurs .. it is the deftness with which R Balki has knitted before us, in the simplest of manner, a most complex idea .. of losers and winners .. of what each one of us has been through.”
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