Legendary filmmaker Yash Choprs’ wife Pamela Chopra passed away on Thursday morning. She was 74 years old. Now, megastar Amitabh Bachchan penned a heart-tugging note in his blog in which he recalled the time spent with Pamela. Taking to his blog, Big B wrote, “The first days are ever a day of expectation and unknown elements .. and the first day today was no different .. the look the people the crew the work the work it self … all alien and in a wonder .. and the topping , the very first scene of the film and a demanding appearance..”
Further, he added, “In the middle of the efforts made to achieve .. comes the sudden news of the passing of Pamela Chopra, wife of Yash Chopra .. and life comes to a standstill ! So much to have spent with her and the film making and the music sittings and the outdoors and the homely get togethers .. all gone in a breath .. And one by one they all leave us ..all left with the pleasant times spent ..And after this ordeal of the first day .. a quick visit to Yash ji’s home and meeting the family and reliving all those years of the past ..life is so unpredictable and tough…”
A report in Indian Express revealed that Pamela Chopra hospitalised for 15 days for Pneumonia. Dr. Prahlad Prabhudesai told the news portal “She passed away today. She was on a ventilator in Lilavati Hospital for 15 days. She had pneumonia.”
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