Following Manoj Jarange, Maratha reservation enthusiasts rejoiced. Following the Maharashtra government’s acceptance of their demands, Patil declared that he was ending the protests. Chief Minister of Maharashtra Eknath Shinde will be there when Patil breaks his fast today. He’ll present the crowd with an address after he pays floral respects to the statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. The hunger strike, which Patil began on Friday, is now ended, he added, adding that the Maharashtra government has granted their request.
“The work done by Chief Minister Eknath Shinde is commendable. This concludes our protest. We have been granted our request. We’ll take him up on his letter. At a press conference on Friday night, Patil declared, “I will drink juice at the hands of the Chief Minister.”
Patil promised that the 54 lakh persons whose data has been discovered thus far would receive their Kunbi certificates shortly, in response to requests for their distribution. 54 lakh submissions were discovered for our competition. The certificate will shortly be delivered to them,” he stated.
Patil forewarned the state administration earlier on Friday that protestors would march towards Mumbai on Saturday morning if their demands were not fulfilled. Additionally, he pleaded with the Maharashtra administration to drop all police cases pertaining to the demand for Maratha reservations in the state.
Minister Mangal Prabhat Lodha of Maharashtra stated that there is no need to carry on with the protests because the ordinance that was enacted provides a solution to every issue.
A resolution has been reached in the Maharashtra Maratha reservation movement, which was led by Manoj Jarange Patil. All of the issues have been resolved by the ordinance that was approved. According to Manoj Jarange Patil, there is no longer a need for protests because the answer has been obtained. Manoj Jarange Patil’s fast would conclude with juice, according to CM Eknath Shinde. A solution has been achieved by the movement,” Lodha declared on Friday.
The Supreme Court ruled on May 5, 2021, that there was no legal basis for violating a 50% reservation while giving a Maratha reservation, thus invalidating reservations for the Maratha community in colleges, universities, and employment.
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